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Fast for Gaza

Fast for Gaza

December 21, 2023: Sunrise (6:05am EST) to Sunset (4:50pm EST)

Continuing every Thursday until a permanent ceasefire is called

We are witnessing an unfolding catastrophe in real time. The toll is indescribable, incalculable, and indefensible.

Fast for Gaza extends a global invitation to people of all faiths, and those who adhere to none, to abstain from food for one day in solidarity with the people of Gaza, and to break the fast together at sunset. The fast will continue every Thursday until a permanent ceasefire is called.

While you fast:

  • Donate to humanitarian efforts in Gaza. (Check out our newsletter for some suggestions!)

  • Refrain from spending on non-essential goods, and especially pay attention to BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) brands to avoid.

  • Write to the government and business leaders demanding they recognize this tragedy and support an immediate and permanent ceasefire. Call and email your representatives.

  • Educate yourself on and join PACBI (Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Isr*el).

  • Read and share art, writing, films, and music by Gazaoui artists.

  • Be in community with others who need, want, feel a conversation isn’t enough.

  • Make Gaza present.

Learn more here.

December 17

Shut it Down 4 Palestine!

December 22

International Justice: The Genocide on Gaza