an animated graphic on a dark blue background. a yellow crescent moon rests behind a blue cloud. from the top of the frame dangle glowing lanterns, another crescent moon, and Arabic text reads "مِيُوتُوَال عيدي," transliteration for “Mutual Aidee.”

Mutual Aidee


Mutual Aidee 〰️

an animated graphic on a dark blue background. a yellow crescent moon rests behind a blue cloud. from the top of the frame dangle glowing lanterns, another crescent moon, and Arabic text reads "مِيُوتُوَال عيدي," transliteration for “Mutual Aidee.”

Eid Mubarak!

The Halal And Queer Collective is taking the concept of eidee (tradition of receiving money for Eid as a gift) and forming it into a practise of redistributing resources to our community members!

The Mutual Aidee form can be completed at any time, but Steering Committee Members only review applications in the 2 weeks after Eid (both Eids). Usually, applications “open” 2 weeks prior to Eid, and last day for applications is last day of the month (eg, Eid al-Udha is projected to be June 28th 2023, and so applications would be accepted until the second week of July or until Mutual Aidee funds run out, whichever occurs first).

If you have a financial need or request which is time sensitive and it is not Eid time, please contact us for further resources.